Autumn Sunrise

Autumn Sunrise

Wednesday 29 December 2010

Visiting my parents

Visiting my parents has become a menace over the years, I 'am sorry to say that, but my father has the talent to turn paradise into hell! Next year I will not come here anymore, at least not that long, maybe over the weekend.
It started on the very first day when my mum told him that we need to get beer and water on the way home from collecting me from the train station.
I went into the shop with him and he said we would get one case of beer (20 bottles one pint each) and a case of water. Since we were talking about supply’s for 7 days(because my father wouldn’t drive anymore until new year's shopping) and three people, I thought, like every right minded person would do, that there is already some stuff at home! With that thought in mind I went into the shop and bought one beer and one water and left. Well, I should have known better.
At home my mum asked me: what did you buy only one case of beer for? We have a week ahead of us! So we drunk f** water over Xmas, thanks dad! Don't get me wrong, I like water, I just don't want to drink it all the time, and I would have appreciated a nice drink with my mum in honor of the occasion!
A few days later, he totally flipped out when he saw me boiling some eggs for dinner he, for no reason at all, barked at my mum;
How can you permit that he boils eggs?”
for obvious reasons, my mum gave no answer.
He hasn't talked to us since, that’s two days now, apart
from the obligatory complaints when I have again done something he does not wish me to do like turning on the light in a completely dark room or moving to much in the armchair.
I think now I know how Harry Potter must have felt visiting the Dursleys every summer. I wonder what will happen next?!
Next year I will have booked a hotel room in Austria or somewhere!

Merry Xmas and a happy new year to all of you...!

Sunday 19 December 2010

Winter Impressions

 That came down in one night...
 ...still the same night...
 ...I like snow, but this is a tiny bit of scale...
 8 hours of snowfall now
 Thats it! I'm moving...
 ...away from here!

Sunday 17 October 2010

When people go for ever...

My cousin has just died. He was only 45 years old!
He was a loving and caring person, he was looking after his elderly mother. He was living with his her, because she needs help in her daily routine.
Five months ago he was diagnosed with lung cancer, it soon was spreading all over his body. In the end there was no part of him free of cancer. And he never smoked in his live. 
He died yesterday at 04:00pm MET.
Even tough I didn't know him very well, he grew up in the former GDR, it still hit me hard for he was a part of my family, which seems to diminish by the minute as the members grow older and there is hardly any offspring. I fear that my family will be extinguished by the end of this century.
A sad thought, because we can trace our roots back to the year 1489 when my ancestor came from France to live in Germany and married a woman from Switzerland which also came to live in Germany. Now 500 years later, there is me, contemplating over past and future times and a dead cousin.
I feel sad that he had to go so early, may God take care of him

Sunday 18 July 2010

Ghost's of the past

Today I talked to my cousin for the first time in twenty years. I last saw her when she was four years old. Lots of old memory's are jumping up and down my brain now and I just realized how many people I would like to see again. Many friends I once had I have lost contact to and I have no idea how that happened! I guess that's just how life works, people come and go, some of them will cross your path again and others don't. I feel a bit sad now, thinking about long lost friends which I had great adventures with when we were kids. I wonder if I will ever see them again.
I hope so.

Saturday 17 July 2010

live your dream don't dream your life

I've been dreaming of a life on the move since the age of 12 I think, I wanted to see the world, meet foreign people, indulge in their food, share their habbits and so on. The older i get the stronger that desire gets in me. When I surf through the www I see lots of people who life the way I dream of and they all manage to finance that. So why can't I? Well, as soon as find a way to finance it, I will be on my way to travel the world for a few years!