Autumn Sunrise

Autumn Sunrise

Sunday 18 July 2010

Ghost's of the past

Today I talked to my cousin for the first time in twenty years. I last saw her when she was four years old. Lots of old memory's are jumping up and down my brain now and I just realized how many people I would like to see again. Many friends I once had I have lost contact to and I have no idea how that happened! I guess that's just how life works, people come and go, some of them will cross your path again and others don't. I feel a bit sad now, thinking about long lost friends which I had great adventures with when we were kids. I wonder if I will ever see them again.
I hope so.

Saturday 17 July 2010

live your dream don't dream your life

I've been dreaming of a life on the move since the age of 12 I think, I wanted to see the world, meet foreign people, indulge in their food, share their habbits and so on. The older i get the stronger that desire gets in me. When I surf through the www I see lots of people who life the way I dream of and they all manage to finance that. So why can't I? Well, as soon as find a way to finance it, I will be on my way to travel the world for a few years!